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The OSC Committee

Oxford Sailing Club is a members club, which means all aspects of the club are run or managed by volunteer members for the enjoyment of other club members.

Please contact a member of the Oxford Sailing Club committee if you would like to add your support in any way, experience is not an essential requirement.

OSC Committee Members


Colin West

The Commodore leads the Oxford Sailing Club and chairs the OSC Committee.

Vice Commodore

Richard Hall

The Vice Commodore chairs the OSC sailing sub-committee and is deputy for the Commodore.

Rear Commodore and House Manager

Miles Roebuck

The Rear Commodore is responsible for all aspects of the club off the water.

The House Manager oversees the maintenance and order of the OSC buildings and facilities.

Sailing Secretary

Steve Gould

The sailing secretary takes minutes of the OSC committee meetings and the sailing sub-committee meetings.

Steve maintains the events list for all events at the sailing club, including all racing and open events; Steve also maintains the members duty allocation on Dutyman.


David Oughton

This role is key to the sustainable running of Oxford Sailing Club, balancing income from membership and events against the cost of maintaining a well run club with planned development.


Julian Pearson

The Bosun's key responsibilities are to ensure club dinghies, windsurf equipment and power boats are maintained and available as needed for club and open events.

This role is supported by other volunteers, especially with regard to the maintenance and replacement of windsurf equipment (Russ Canning & Kerry Hastings) and the power boats (Colin West).

Wingfoiling Secretary

Andrew Preece

The Wingfoiling Secretary represents the interests of all wing foiling members on the OSC committee. This includes organising all club wing events.

Windsurf Secretary

Seb Haigh

The Windsurf Secretary represents the interests of all windsurfing members on the OSC committee. This includes organising all club windsurfing events.

The Oxford Zoomers co-ordinator and others also support this role.

Harbour Master

Tess McKenney

The Harbour Master manages the allocation of berths in the boat park and oversees the use of allocated spaces.

Youth Representative

(Pro-tem handled by Julian Pearson and Sail Training Principal (co-ordinates the activities of the Oxford Pirates youth sailing group)

Affilliates Representative

Russell Howarth (RAF)

There are several group and organisations that are affiliated to the Oxford Sailing Club, and Russ represents their interests.

Member Liaison

Paul Kettle

Member Liaison is a key role in introducing new members to the Club to ensure they are introduced to the right groups / people to fulfil their membership needs.

General Committee Members

General Committee Members support all aspects of running the sailing club.

Adrian Howe (Adrian Howe is also the Welfare Officer)

Andrew Richards

Alistair Weston (Powerboat Bosun)

Tom Cochrane (Training Principal)

Nominated Officials

Zoomers (T15) Co-ordinator

Kathy Illingworth

Plans and co-ordinates the activities of the Oxford Zoomers (T15) Club.

Results Secretary

John Lee

Maintains records of club dinghy racing events and publishes these on the OSC website.

Last updated 17:08 on 22 August 2024

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